Brool brool (n.) : a low roar; a deep murmur or humming

Profligate Packaging

 |  life

Sometimes, I swear that I am going to help the cockroaches take over the world.

I had lost the stylus that I had ordered for my incredibly obscure computer, an Intermec 6651 — incredibly hard to find, but the perfect writing machine. At any rate, I couldn’t find any styli locally, and it was getting to be a pain using the back of my finger, so by the magic of the Internet I found a place that had them and ordered 4 styli for my computer. So, yesterday my styli arrived:

Not a problem, but this is what they decided to use to package this stylus:

Yes: one large box, three huge pieces of filler paper, some more sheets of paper for the packing slip (with an extra copy, in case, well, just in case, I guess). All for one small four-inch stylus.

And, the kicker? The thing that makes me feel like humankind should just gently roll over and let the next species take over? They only shipped me one out of the four I had ordered. Yes, that’s right, I could potentially have up to three more boxes coming.


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