Brool brool (n.) : a low roar; a deep murmur or humming

Poison Reverts in Git

 |  git coding

Alice owns the main branch that a bunch of people are using: A -- B -- C -- D

Bob checks it out, makes changes 0..2, and does regular pulls: A -- B -- 0 -- 1 -- C -- 2 -- D

Now, Alice pulls Bob’s stuff: she has A -- B -- C -- D -- (0 + 1 + 2)

Alice pulls from another developer: A -- B -- C -- D -- (0 + 1 + 2) -- E

Bob’s patch is bad! How did it get through the audits and QA and unit tests? No matter, revert it. Alice now has:

A -- B -- C -- D -- (0+1+2) -- E -- (-0 -1 -2)

(Note that Alice can’t rebase Bob’s changes out of the history because other developers are pulling from her).

Bob sees that his commits didn’t work, is properly chastened, and makes a fix titled “3”.

Now, see the problem:

So it looks like Git is in a situation where someone or the other (or both) are going to have to do a painful merge conflict resolution. There must be a better way of reverting a patch?

Update 3/20/2009: The word from Linus on this. He says that when you unrevert the merge that you always need to revert the revert, rather than trying to apply it again.


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